My name is Adam DeSilvester. I live in the beautiful, Texas hill country, unincorporated community of Timberwood Park, TX. I moved here in December 2016 and have been recording the weather data (including precipitation, temperature, and wind) since then. My main goal of gathering this data, besides following my love for weather and climatology, is to illustrate just how different the weather and climate can be from neighboring official weather sites, such as Boerne State Airfield or San Antonio International Airport, that are just a short distance away. My interest in this matter began when I was a senior in high school in early 2008. I have been fortunate enough to mine enough data to provide precipitation data for Timberwood Park, TX going back that far!

Timberwood Park, Texas Climate & Weather’s Disclaimer and release of liability: This website’s content are not original weather forecasts nor does this site or its author guarantee or bear any responsibility regarding the accuracy of any third-party forecasts within this site. This site is strictly for entertainment purposes only for fellow weather enthusiasts, like myself!

Please feel free to connect with me on Facebook and Instagram in the footer links!

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